Rhyncholaeliocattleya Twenty First Century

Cultivar name Rhyncholaeliocattleya Twenty First Century (Rlc. Twenty First Century)
Synonyms Potinara Twenty First Century (Pot. Twenty First Century); Rhynchosophrocattleya Twenty First Century (Rsc. Twenty First Century)
Parents Rhyncholaeliocattleya Memoria Ichie Ejiri (Syn. Potinara Memoria Ichie Ejiri (Pot. Memoria Ichie Ejiri); Rhynchosophrocattleya Memoria Ichie Ejiri (Rsc. Memoria Ichie Ejiri)) × Cattleya Drumbeat (Syn. Laeliocattleya Drumbeat (Lc. Drumbeat); Sophrocattleya Drumbeat (Sc. Drumbeat))
Note Photo of Rhyncholaeliocattleya Twenty First Century 'New Generation' below is that of an orchid (as Pot. Twenty First Century 'New Generation') which was cultivated by Mr. Tamotsu Kobayashi and displayed at the Orchid Show 2009 in Itabashi Botanical Garden (Tokyo, Japan).

Twenty First Century
'New Generation'
January 2009
at Itabashi Botanical Garden